👨🏻💻 About Me
- 🔭 I’m currently learning NLP
- 🤔 Exploring new technologies and developing software solutions and quick hacks.
- 🎓 Studying Computer Science and computer programming.
- 💼 Back-end developer and front-end web developer.
- 🌱 Love life and full of hope.
- ✍️ Watching Anime and observe latest design trends as hobbies/side hustles.
- ☕ I belive, a perfect cup of black tea can be the ultimate solution for any stress.
🛠 Tech Stack
- 💻 Java | C++ | Python
- 🌐 HTML | CSS | JavaScript | Vue
- 🛢 MySQL | Redis
- 🔧 Visual Studio code | IDEA | Git
🌐 关于本站
本站采用Hexo博客系统,部署在 GitPage上,全站支持HTTPS。
- 图床:腾讯云对象存储
- 部分常用资源采用CDN:jsDelivr+Github
- 资源分享页:LeanCloud-OnIndex
- 评论系统:ValineAdmin+LeanCloud